musical box
[[Say whatever that pleases you.]]
My Name: Sng Shu Ling Eveleen
Birthdate: 31/12/85
Favorite ---
colours: I like most colours except grey and baby pink.
food: uncountable! I live to eat! Yum!
music genres: hip hop, r&b, pop
pastimes: basketball, netball, squash, table-tennis, swimming, sentosa, shopping, slacking and chilling out at a place that has a nice ambience with friends!
Things I want to achieve.
Grow closer to God, Be consistent in everything, Be accepted, Be more hardworking, Save more money
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
those were the days when we would sweat it all out together.
[ I miss you.. ]
at 3:30 AM
my blogger is darn irritating cause it's still in chinese which makes it really hard for me to comprehend. i want to change to livejournal or xanga or whatever but this blog holds too much memories. and i love the blogskin alot. tmr is my anatomy paper and i'm least prepared for it. fighting a war of emotions in my head which makes it hard to concentrate on my studies.
i yearn for freedom. to do whatever that pleases me so i can be happy but it's never possible cause i'm not in utopia. there's so many attachments in life with so many strings attached that if one snaps, a series of unfortunate events happen one after another. i wish to find my sport. one sport to really excel in. to have a coach, a team. to strive for a common goal. i had it once in jc. i want to have it again. a team sport. a club. something that i like and would give my heart out for it. i'm still searching. rugby, basketball, netball, soccer, dragonboat, softball? anything under the sun. i'd like to try out for something. let me know, anyone if i have a chance. please.
i pray to be still, Lord. and i pray for Rich. that he's enjoying himself and that he is well. hope ya having fun darling! love.
[ I miss you.. ]
at 3:05 AM
Friday, June 02, 2006
life is too fragile to be tampered with. God, i leave my life in your hands. i leave it to you to do miracles. this i pray in your most precious name. Jesus name. Amen. the sight is heart breaking. i feel too much at times such that my heart rule over my head. doing things that i'm not supposed to. not doing things that i'm supposed to. but i trust you God. You know it best and let your will be done. all i can say is that.. i'm praying Lord. for you to take away the pain of all of us, for us to have your comforting hand and for us to believe in You.
[ I miss you.. ]
at 11:37 PM
click on photo so that you can see better! my blog space is kinda small so can't fit the photos in properly. i love picasa. will be uploading more pics but not all at one shot cause it won't be fun. now, i must go back to studying. but it's so hard to concentrate.
yesterday, we celebrated my partner's 21st bday! had dinner at river view hotel with his close friends. had my favourite fried man tou! the food was good. ate quite a bit. must enjoy life. eat and grow fat. talked nonsense to ting an. nice guy. so easy going and crappy. alistair and yaowen were humorous. as usual, bickered with yaosheng. like always. met richard pang for the first time. we went for some drinks at the prata shop after dinner. VERY. victor, eveleen, richard and yaosheng. simple and nice evening though i didn't get any studying done. i can't seem to concentrate.
my rich presented me with something that i have wanted for so long. it's indeed a pleasant surprise! ecstatic! thanks sweetheart! i'm glad you like what i gave you too!
received a devastating news. stunned. shocked. stoned. i hate going through this. it's precisely of what i went through that i came up with this blog name and now i'm going through it again. though not close, but still the personality and persona definitely impacted my life in one way or another. the zest. the enthusiasm cannot be mistaken. God, why did this happen? sigh.
having mixed feelings of high and low.
[ I miss you.. ]
at 10:52 AM
bee lees! billy!
[ I miss you.. ]
at 10:50 AM
[ I miss you.. ]
at 10:48 AM
finally, found a way to upload pics. more to come!
[ I miss you.. ]
at 10:41 AM