musical box
[[Say whatever that pleases you.]]
My Name: Sng Shu Ling Eveleen
Birthdate: 31/12/85
Favorite ---
colours: I like most colours except grey and baby pink.
food: uncountable! I live to eat! Yum!
music genres: hip hop, r&b, pop
pastimes: basketball, netball, squash, table-tennis, swimming, sentosa, shopping, slacking and chilling out at a place that has a nice ambience with friends!
Things I want to achieve.
Grow closer to God, Be consistent in everything, Be accepted, Be more hardworking, Save more money
Monday, May 29, 2006
there's so many things accomplished for me since the last time i blogged. mid sem and assignments are all up and over, just that the results really sucked. worked, went to camps, watched movies and church!
i'm still working at nike and i dun think i'm ready to give up that job yet. i like working there and the people there are really really wonderful. sorry azlan about the kaizen camp on the 30th. i would have really wanted to go.
did a one day camp at scgs. super spastic potatoes. yeah, that was our group name. so spastic and cute.
4 days 3 nights at kaizen with mgs! they rocked as a school. even the teachers were power! my group! the bee lees! they opened up so much on the last day. at the beginning, i felt that they had the power inside them to just play and have fun but none of them were ready to let that power flow yet. till the 3rd day i would say, most of them just went crazy!! they were great. i love my group. though we may not have gotten best group, take heart billy that we're ALL winners! mgs's campfire was one of the best campfire that i've ever took part in. you girls are awesome! keep it that way! even in your daily life, you can apply what you've learnt in camp. all the best in your future endeavours!
love the BEE LEEs (BILLY)!
watched poseidon and x-men. go catch it people. it's worth watching.
church! went to church and i felt myself growing closer to God. i love worship. makes me feel God's presence at all times. most of the youth are going for church camp and i can't go cause i have a paper smack right in the midst of it! why???? i think it's gonna be so fun and i'm missing of of that. what to do. we went to east coast to cycle yesterday. i loaded so much carbo. had nachos, twister fries, french fries, cheese and beef kway teow! all the carbo!! must run, swim and do more sports. can't wait for kickboxing to start!!!
that's all for now. will be back for more action! should i do more camps? always in a dilemma.
[ I miss you.. ]
at 9:39 AM
Sunday, May 14, 2006
I don't know what went through my head but i did something crazy yesterday. knowing that there would be a biomechanics paper today, i still went ktv-ing till 4am. only meant to celebrate sharon's birthday at settlers' cafe but the party went on till late for me. had lots of fun though with loud mouth entertainers like chongtak and edden. it's like a basketballers gathering. kinda cool. definitely did not regret going. even had some help for my projectile motion. guess we drove the settlers' cafe people working there nuts with 19 of us. although we only played one game, the celebration ended up wonderfully with the swenson's ice cream cake. happy birthday sharon!
[ I miss you.. ]
at 3:46 AM
Thursday, May 11, 2006
zouk was awesome yesterday! after missing mambo for so long, i finally went there again with my secondary school mates last night and i had hell loads of fun! it was meant to be a night for me to de-stress myself and i think i did a good job. met so many people there, from pri school friends to my coursemates. what a night! even met jeremy heng. what a coincident!
had a nice evening with my partner watching 2 movies in a row with sakae sushi in between. think we irritated the shit out of the assistant manager there with our silliness. well, customers' right! haha. it was pure and simple and i enjoyed it very much.
just got back my project assignment and i think we did well though there were groups with higher marks. still, great job my project mates!!! you guys were fantastic! i'm a happy carrot at the moment till i hit the biomechanics lecture notes and lab manual again. dread it, dread it, dread it! thanks vj for the quizzes, if you ever read my blog!
[ I miss you.. ]
at 11:57 PM
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
a log floating aimlessly in the ocean. yeah, that's how i'm feeling now. finally went for service last sun after missing church for 2 weeks. went to malaysia for diving and to kl. missed lots of people in sing. feel to have somehow neglected some of the people. sorry andrew mei for forgetting your birthday. happy belated birthday!
feel so outta sorts sometimes. i just think and think but have no answers and worry like dunno what.
one paper down. it's gonna be a goner. sports biomechanics this sat. how to survive? weekend lectures again. gonna miss church. finally, a wedding i can attend. may 14th. boy's sis wedding. my long time friend's sis getting married. sweet.
[ I miss you.. ]
at 1:09 AM
Friday, May 05, 2006
2 assignments, 9 lab quizzes, 2 mid-sem papers, 3 final papers all coming up soon! It's making me go crazy! I always told myself to refrain from doing last minute work but it never seem to get into my brain. I'm going to have sleepless nights soon. The worst thing is that I still have to work. Contemplating if I should quit because of my studies. I can't afford to screw up a modulue. It's freaking expensive. Yet, my colleagues are so nice that I can't bear to leave them. Give me a sign, God.
[ I miss you.. ]
at 4:49 AM