musical box
[[Say whatever that pleases you.]]
My Name: Sng Shu Ling Eveleen
Birthdate: 31/12/85
Favorite ---
colours: I like most colours except grey and baby pink.
food: uncountable! I live to eat! Yum!
music genres: hip hop, r&b, pop
pastimes: basketball, netball, squash, table-tennis, swimming, sentosa, shopping, slacking and chilling out at a place that has a nice ambience with friends!
Things I want to achieve.
Grow closer to God, Be consistent in everything, Be accepted, Be more hardworking, Save more money
Friday, September 09, 2005
I'm going to Malaysia to some place to see the waterfall!! Yay! With my inno friends. These friends are the coolest bunch ever. They seem to be able to orientate their way around everywhere and anywhere. Kayaking, land ex and topography. They know it at their fingertips. Wow. So impressed. Will be seeing my steady binana later! Too bad Weining and Iza is not going. It'd be so much more fun. Will be missing Rich lots. Won't see him till monday and I'll be missing church.
Yesterday was girls' night out with my favourite gfs. It was great. Just love talking nonsense to them and hearing all their rollercoaster life stories. A 360 degree change from the last threesome meeting. From ranting the miserable tales and deciding whether the guy was worth it not to a happy and exciting new lifes with new men. What about me? Just listening to them cause my life is still the same. Constant with my frog prince. Only Rich would know. Guess I like it this way. "Consistency is all I ask!" Lit students from my JC. Ring a bell? My two girles are just the coolest people no matter bow critical or cynical they can get. I love them for who they are. It's hard to find such frank and honest people nowadays where there are so many hypocritical bitches lurking around. I do not deny that I may be one at times but I'm definitely not one that goes, "Oh hi!!!!!!" Turn around and mumble, "Bitch." That really sucks.
One week holidays really zoom past fast. Before I know it, school's gonna reopen in 3 days time. I want more holidays!! My room is in a horrible state. How can I make it nice and clean? I can't find what I wanna find. This is really terrible. I need an overdrive to start me moving cause I hardly have any drive at all. Last night was a super romantic night with my lovely Rich at East Coast. After meeting up with the ladies, I went down to see my man. Just wanted to spend more time with him cause I won't see him till Monday. We lied down together in a hammock at East Coast. Kinda hard at first cause we were sharing a hammock. Nearly fell off. Talking nonsense and enjoying the sea breeze. Nice. We should do it again.
I need to pack for my little trip and I need to find all my stuff! God, help me! Only you know where are all my things. Feel like an ass. Like, I only find Him when I need Him. Father, that's not exactly true! Forgive me. I love You. Thanks for forgiving me always.
Rich dear, take care of yourself while I'm gone. Love ya and I'll be back soon!
[ I miss you.. ]
at 11:03 AM
Thursday, September 01, 2005
It's been really long since I last blogged. Have been too lazy to blog. Today is my first teachers' day ever and I enjoyed myself. Was really surprised to receive quite a number of presents from my students. I have only been teaching them for a month and I don't even see them often yet they still had the heart to get me something. So so so sweet!!
Had our teachers' day dinner at River View hotel and the food wasn't that bad. The theme was bollywood and it was a really colourful night.
Think I am turning into a very boring person.
Will be going to jbac this sat in the wee hours. Hopefully, I can leave early to go home cause I still have my Mizuno run on sunday.
I have been shopping way too much! But it's addictive! I need to save some money! Where's my pay?!
Do people get affected by rumours so easily? Why do people minds get poisoned so easily? Are we really so vulnerable to gossips? Why do whores like to bitch?
Why do some people think that they are so great yet they are just a small fry? Why do people not move to the rear of the bus?
Damn. I am just ranting and I don't like it. Will come back again. Bye.
Richard Yew is such a pig today. But I still love him. Happy anni to me and you. :)
I love you, the Greatest one in heaven. My heavenly Father.
[ I miss you.. ]
at 12:34 AM